
Private commissioned 8"x 10" acrylic and glaze.

This imaginary house was designed from a horses scull in collage 1980.

Another one of my imaginary dream homes 1979.

I had a very vivid imagination in high school 1978.

Graphic drawing of the NYC Chrysler Building.

Click on photo

​"When Manuel painted our mural it was simply amazing. He turned our wall into a work of art. Our mural is one of the first things you see as you enter our home and our house guests can't believe the detail and talent that went into our fresco. As an artist  Manuel knows the tricks and techniques when it comes to producing or reproducing a piece of art. This man is freakishly good."

Bart O. - Martinez, CA

4'x 5' Celebration of Lady Liberty.

8"x 8" mixed medium on 1 1/2" gator foam.

My first and only Oil painting in 1997, 8"x 10".

My first acrylic painting in 1974, 18"x 24".

18"x 24" Acrylic and glaze Tuscan window painting.

Commissioned 5'x 7' canvas painting for Rocco's Pizzeria Sports Bar

to honor local high school teams.

Personal / Custom Art II